Python Codes Set 2
1. Snke Water Gun Game !
#Snake water gun game by Tanush Chauhan import random print("Welcome to Game") print("\nRules\nThe computer's choice would be random\nYou have to enter your choice.\nThere will be 10 rounds.\nIf you win in more rounds than computer then you wil win else computer will win.\nBest of luck :).") lst = [ "Snake" , "Water" , "Gun"] i = 0 r = 1 c = 0 p = 0 while (i < 10): a = random.choice(lst) i = i+1 print("\n\nRound",r) r = r+1 print("Please Enter You Choice Snake(s), Gun(g) or Water (w)") q = input() if q == "s": if a == "Snake": print("Draw. The Computers choice was" ,a) a = random.choice(lst) if i >9: print("\n\nYour Win(s) =" , p) print("Comuter's Win(s) =" , c) if p>c: print("Overall Winner : Player(You)") elif p < c: print("Overall Winner : Computer") elif p == c: print("Overall Winner : The Game has Draw") else: True print("Do You Want to play again ? Yes(1) , No(2) :") z = input() if z == "1": i = 0 r = 1 p = 0 c = 0 continue elif z == "2": break else: print("You entered a wrong Charecter Game ending...") break else: continue elif a == "Water": print("You Won :). The Computers choice was" ,a) p = p+1 a = random.choice(lst) if i>9: print("\n\nYour Win(s) =" , p) print("Comuter's Win(s) =" , c) if p>c: print("Overall Winner : Player(You)") elif p < c: print("Overall Winner : Computer") elif p == c: print("Overall Winner : The Game has Draw") else: True print("Do You Want to play again ? Yes(1) , No(2) :") z = input() if z == "1": i = 0 r = 1 p = 0 c = 0 continue elif z == "2": break else: print("You entered a wrong Charecter Game ending...") break else: continue elif a == "Gun": print("Sorry You Lost :( .The computers choice was",a) c = c+1 a = random.choice(lst) if i>9: print("\n\nYour Win(s) =" , p) print("Comuter's Win(s) =" , c) if p>c: print("Overall Winner : Player(You)") elif p < c: print("Overall Winner : Computer") elif p == c: print("Overall Winner : The Game has Draw") else: True print("Do You Want to play again ? Yes(1) , No(2) :") z = input() if z == "1": i = 0 r = 1 p = 0 c = 0 continue elif z == "2": break else: print("You entered a wrong Charecter Game ending...") break else: continue else: True elif q == "w": if a == "Snake": print("Sorry You Lost :( .The computers choice was",a) c = c+1 a = random.choice(lst) if i>9: print("\n\nYour Win(s) =" , p) print("Comuter's Win(s) =" , c) if p>c: print("Overall Winner : Player(You)") elif p < c: print("Overall Winner : Computer") elif p == c: print("Overall Winner : The Game has Draw") else: True print("Do You Want to play again ? Yes(1) , No(2) :") z = input() if z == "1": i = 0 r = 1 p = 0 c = 0 continue elif z == "2": break else: print("You entered a wrong Charecter Game ending...") break else: continue elif a == "Gun": print("You Won :). The Computers choice was" ,a) p = p+1 a = random.choice(lst) if i>9: print("\n\nYour Win(s) =" , p) print("Comuter's Win(s) =" , c) if p>c: print("Overall Winner : Player(You)") elif p < c: print("Overall Winner : Computer") elif p == c: print("Overall Winner : The Game has Draw") else: True print("Do You Want to play again ? Yes(1) , No(2) :") z = input() if z == "1": i = 0 r = 1 p = 0 c = 0 continue elif z == "2": break else: print("You entered a wrong Charecter Game ending...") break else: continue elif a == "Water": print("Draw. The Computers choice was" ,a) a = random.choice(lst) if i >9: print("\n\nYour Win(s) =" , p) print("Comuter's Win(s) =" , c) if p>c: print("Overall Winner : Player(You)") elif p < c: print("Overall Winner : Computer") elif p == c: print("Overall Winner : The Game has Draw") else: True print("Do You Want to play again ? Yes(1) , No(2) :") z = input() if z == "1": i = 0 r = 1 p = 0 c = 0 continue elif z == "2": break else: print("You entered a wrong Charecter Game ending...") break else: continue else: True elif q == "g": if a == "Snake": print("You Won :). The Computers choice was" ,a) p = p+1 a = random.choice(lst) if i>9: print("\n\nYour Win(s) =" , p) print("Comuter's Win(s) =" , c) if p>c: print("Overall Winner : Player(You)") elif p < c: print("Overall Winner : Computer") elif p == c: print("Overall Winner : The Game has Draw") else: True print("Do You Want to play again ? Yes(1) , No(2) :") z = input() if z == "1": i = 0 r = 1 p = 0 c = 0 continue elif z == "2": break else: print("You entered a wrong Charecter Game ending...") break else: continue elif a == "Water": print("Sorry You Lost :( .The computers choice was",a) c = c+1 a = random.choice(lst) if i>9: print("\n\nYour Win(s) =" , p) print("Comuter's Win(s) =" , c) if p>c: print("Overall Winner : Player(You)") elif p < c: print("Overall Winner : Computer") elif p == c: print("Overall Winner : The Game has Draw") else: True print("Do You Want to play again ? Yes(1) , No(2) :") z = input() if z == "1": i = 0 r = 1 p = 0 c = 0 continue elif z == "2": break else: print("You entered a wrong Charecter Game ending...") break else: continue elif a == "Gun": print("Draw. The Computers choice was" ,a) a = random.choice(lst) if i >9: print("\n\nYour Win(s) =" , p) print("Comuter's Win(s) =" , c) if p>c: print("Overall Winner : Player(You)") elif p < c: print("Overall Winner : Computer") elif p == c: print("Overall Winner : The Game has Draw") else: True print("Do You Want to play again ? Yes(1) , No(2) :") z = input() if z == "1": i = 0 r = 1 p = 0 c = 0 continue elif z == "2": break else: print("You entered a wrong Charecter Game ending...") break else: continue else: True else: print("You entered wrong chacreter.Game ending") break print("\nThank You For Using Made By Tanush Chauhan :)")
2. Healthy Programmer
# importing modules from pygame import mixer #pip install pygame from datetime import datetime import time #All Fuctions def playmusic(file, stopper): mixer.init() while True: input_of_user = input() if input_of_user == stopper: break def checktime(): x = time.strftime('%H%M') if x > '0859' and x < '1701': return True else: return False def log(messege): with open("logs.txt", "a") as f: f.write(f"{} : {messege} \n") # To Check if Office has started or not if checktime(): #Variable defined waterstarting = time() eyesstarting = time() physicalstarting = time() watertime = 1200 physicaltime = 1800 eyestime = 2700 timeforsleep = 60 # the programme will check after every 1 minute #Main Logic while True: if checktime(): #To Check If office is over or not if time() - waterstarting > watertime: print("Water Drinking time. Enter 'drank' to stop the alarm.") playmusic('water.mp3', 'drank') waterstarting = time() log("Drank Water") if time() - eyesstarting >eyestime: print("Eye exercise time. Enter 'doneeyes' to stop the alarm.") playmusic('eyes.mp3', 'doneeyes') eyesstarting = time() log("Eyes Relaxed at") if time() - physicalstarting > physicaltime: print("Physical Activity Time. Enter 'donephy' to stop the alarm.") playmusic('physical.mp3', 'donephy') physicalstarting = time() log("Physical Activity done at") time.sleep(timeforsleep) # the programme will check after every 1 minute else: print("I think your office is over now have a good day :)") else: print("I don't Think its Office time Enjoy :)")
3. Lcm/Hcf Calculator
print("By Tanush Chauhan") while (True): print("Do you want Operration on 2 numbers(1) or 3 numbers(2)") z = int(input()) print("Enter Numbers to Calculate LCM and Hcf(only for 2 numbers)") if z == 1: a=int(input("Enter First number ")) b=int(input("Enter Second number ")) for m in range (1, a *b +1): if m%a ==0 and m%b ==0 : print("LCM of the numbers is ", m) break Hcf = (a*b)/m print("Hcf of the numbers is", Hcf) elif z == 2 : a=int(input("Enter First number ")) b=int(input("Enter Second number ")) c = int(input("Enter Third number ")) for m in range (1, a *b*c +1): if m%a ==0 and m%b ==0 and m%c == 0: print("LCM of number is ", m) break print("Enter 1 for continue and 2 for exit") d = int(input()) if d == 1: continue elif d == 2: break else: continue